I love sharing recipes, family memories, craft projects and the stories that go along with them. My family is my inspiriation.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Does Nick Jr Think Our Kids are Dumb?

What Happened to The Fresh Beat Band?
(It's Darrin Stevens all over again!)

Okay, I will fess up right now, I really don't pay THAT close attention to what MJ is watching. I only let him watch certain channels and assume what he is seeing is acceptable for his age group.
You know Nick, Disney, Toon Channel etc..
Mid afternoon the tv is rarely on. Most of the time we are not home midday and if we are MJ is playing in his room or we are doing something else together.
Today went a little different. MJ does not nap anymore and wanted to watch the tele. So I let him. I put the channel on Nick Jr and started crocheting. The Fresh Band was on. It's about a group of 4 kids that are in music school and there is a lot of singing and dancing, which MJ totally loves. We had not seen The Fresh Beat Band since about last summer, I think. The opening song and intro started and I was sitting beside MJ crocheting and not paying attention to the tv.

Then it happened, MJ was getting very upset with the opening song. He said, "I don't like this". I thought ok, it's been a while and he didn't care for the show anymore. I said I would change it and he did not want me to do that either. He said "she's gone", I said who and he said "her". I then said who's her and he said Marina. I said, that's Marina and he kept saying no, I don't like her. Where's Marina. This went on for about the first 15 minutes of the show. He would say that's not Marina, I don't like her and I would say yes it is and she is nice. Then I took another look and it's wasn't the same girl playing Marina. Like I said, it was Darrin Stevens all over again. And with the exception of the red hair she looks completely different. They changed actressess and thought our kids would not notice. Our little ones see and notice EVERYTHING. Do they think our little ones are stupid? They must. Oh well I told him that real Marina had to go on to do other things and she had a friend of her's take her place while she was away. I didn't know what the hell to tell him.

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