I love sharing recipes, family memories, craft projects and the stories that go along with them. My family is my inspiriation.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Hunt Is ON!

MJ's at Home Easter Egg Hunt!
As a Mom of an only child sometimes I think I go a little overboard with the pics and
activities I plan for our little Monkey. I want to capture every moment for posterity it seems.
Went some eggs hunts this weekend and forgot the camera. So I made extra sure to take plenty of MJ and his own egg hunt at home

This is the painting he made in art class

MJ's Easter basket and painting
MJ and his basket


I found another one!
 Counting the eggs with Daddy
Found a blue one!

He looked in here about 3 times to make sure he didn't miss one

MJ getting egged

MJ egging Daddy!

Egg Hunting is hard work. Need a chocolate break!

HoPpY EaStEr!

Easter Dinner Recipes-Brussels Sprouts

 Brussels Sprouts
I was never a big veggie eater growing up. I thought they were bland and tasteless. It wasn't until I was older and moved out of the house when I realized, it wasn't that I didn't like veggies, it was my Mom was TERRIBLE at making them! My Mom was a fantastic cook, but when it came to veggies, how she cooked them and made us eat them, was a crime against humanity! Hers were always over cooked and lacked any flavor what so ever. Her green veggies were grey, wilty and gross.
Well, I'm all grown up and I make a pledge that I will not serve bland veggies at my table.
Mark said he didn't care for brussels sprouts until I made this for him.
1lb Brussels sprouts
6 Bacon strips chopped
4 Garlic cloves chopped
1/2 yellow onion chopped
2 Bay leaves
3-4 Lemon slices
3T Butter
Olive oil
Salt/pepper to taste

First prep and chop all your ingredients

After about 5 minutes add the garlic and bay leaves

You want to render the bacon. Don't have the heat too high. All it will do is crisp the bacon and not render the fat.
When the bacon is almost cooked, add the
onion and let it sweat for a couple of minutes

After a couple more minutes turn the heat to high and
add the brussels sprouts and let cook about 5 min

Then add the butter
You don't want to cook them completely. You just want to give them a
good sear on very high heat. This is what you are looking for,
some nice chard pieces.

Then put in foil
Add some lemon slices
Seal completely
Bake about 20-25 min or until to your liking at 350 degrees
Then dig in!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Dinner Recipes

Crab Dip

The Ingredients:
Crab fresh is best, but canned will do
1/2c Mayo
1/2c Sour cream
1 Celery stalk
1/2 small red onion
1/3 can Olives
Parsley flakes
Red pepper flakes

Optional Ingredients:
Lemon Juice
Artichoke heats

The really great thing about this recipe, is that it's very versatile. You can add and subtract ingredients to fit your taste buds. If you want it with lots of sauce, just add more mayo/sour cream. As long as they are added in equal ratio.
Mix the mayo, sour cream and seasonings in a mixing bowl Chop the celery, olives and onion and add to mayo mix.

Here's how I like mine. With lots of mayo/cream

Drain, but don't rinse the crab.

Add the crab to the party and mix, mix, mix

But in a bowl and enjoy with crackers or my preference tortilla chips!
Also great on a bed of lettuce or as a hoagie:)