I love sharing recipes, family memories, craft projects and the stories that go along with them. My family is my inspiriation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

¿What's In A Name?

Person Unknown?

I noticed something about Mark the other day. He very seldom calls me by name. No Olivia, no hun, no sweetie, nothing. If he wants my attention he will simply approach me and start talking. When he calls me on the phone he starts out by saying, "Hey" (is that what now passes for a pet name?) or "Can you...." (meaning he has a favor to ask of me). This isn't something that just started, he's always been like that.
Kinda weird huh!
He does use my name when he is talking to others and referring to me. So I know he does in fact know what my name is. That's a relief.
Well my first thought was something must be wrong if he can't use my name in a sentence.  I asked him about it and he was stymied too. He said he never noticed it before. Then I did the dumb thing every broad does, I asked if there was something wrong. Yep, I went there.  He, of course, said no.  Then I proceeded to lightly grill him on why he didn't use my name in any form. Then I stopped myself and thought about it for a minute and remembered. He's a man and I'm a woman. We are not wired the same, we don't think the same and don't put importance on the same trivial things. Men really are more simplistic than us women (not to imply they are simpletons, because they are not). They simply don't over think things the way we sometimes do.
I am a person that has always said and firmly believes actions are more important than words, or lack there of in this instance.  His actions speak volumes in regards to what I mean to him and my place in this little family of ours.
So he doesn't call me by name, What's the BFD? I am the only other person in the house. If he is talking, he is obviously talking to me, right? He may be talking to MJ, but I doubt MJ knows where Mark set his phone down.
Mark asked me if I would like for him to use my name more often. He was very sincere and said he was sorry if this hurt my feelings. I said there was no need to apologize and it really didn't hurt my feelings. I was merely curious on why he didn't.
Besides ladies, when does a man use your name? They call you when want something.  Honey, what's to eat? Sweetie, where are my car keys? Love, did you pick up my dry cleaning? Darling, have you...... You get the idea.
So I remain the unnamed person in our home and that's totally fine with me.