I love sharing recipes, family memories, craft projects and the stories that go along with them. My family is my inspiriation.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning!

Merry Christmas from the Nickel's!
What a beautiful morning!
The big day has finally arrived. Last night we took another trip to see the Lights of Tanea. If you are from this area and did not make it there, you really missed something very cool. We kept telling MJ last night that he needs to be asleep or Santa won't stop by.  Fortunately for him, he managed to get to bed at a reasonable time.
Here is what went one this Christmas morning:

Here's the before shot of our tree. Obviously, MJ is not up yet

Mark and I agreed to get MJ only 2 presents each.
Didn't quite work out that way, but we had fun.
The upside of being and only child.

 Here are a couple of the ornaments MJ and I made at our craft play dates. Thank you Helen and Melanie for great craft ideas!

A Few family shots before MJ tears into his presents

Very happy my big sis came to visit. She is the closest person I have to my Mom. We talked quite a bit about her these past few days. Our first Christmas w/o her and it's been difficult so having my sis here was to ease the pain of it all. Even the loss is painful, I am still very fortunate, because I don't have to go through it alone.

The Nickel's

MJ opening his presents. I love how excited children get unwrapping a present.

"It's Home Depot!"

A tractor from Grandpa!

A fishing pole from Tia!

It's an audio book. Another gift from his favorite Tia!

MJ singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with Tia

"I love you Tia Jitos"


I think he loved his new combo kit!

And so does MJ

Why do I need bullets this size. I don't have a rifle of this caliber!
Well, not yet......
Yep, this was a winner.
He does so much to provide for his family and ask for nothing in return.
He deserves this and more.


More excited than MJ was to with his new Christmas present!

Who, for me?!?

A new Coach bag, how did Santa know?

Why is there a Ray ban case in my hand bag? Oh, cause there's a
new pair of Ray bans in my bag too!

Mama's stylin new pair of shades.
ps. The Big Guy just got me the china hutch behind me for Christmas too!

Say Cheese!

Got a new Cars tent and camera

Ok taking a quick break from making dinner to enjoy a glass of wine.  I think a glass of wine should be part of any dinner recipe.
Cakebread Cellars~Cab 2006.
Most definately one of my top 5 wines!
That's a great layered salad in the backgroud.

Went simple for this years Christmas dinner
Ham, potatoes au gratin, cranberry sauce, layered salad,
rolls and of course wine!

MJ pooped out before dinner. Long day for our little man

Have a great Christmas Season
filled with laughter and wonderful memories.
And your New Year be filled with many
more special moments!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dead Battery!

Apparently MJ runs on batteries.
I did not no this until today. Now this makes perfect sense. He runs around for hours then takes a brief nap (To recharge his battery) and runs around for hours on end all over again.
Today were playing outside and MJ being the cute little bugger he is asked me to pull his finger. I also did not realize his Dad must have been teaching him some new tricks. You know the pull the finger routine, don't you? Well I wanted to see where he was going with this, so I proceeded to pull his finger. Nothing. He said,  "Pull my finger" again. So I pulled his finger again. Then again, nothing. I can tell he was trying very hard to make this trick work. He was squinting his face and gave a little grunt, still nothing. He asked me a 3rd time to pull his finger and again, nothing.
He thought about the outcome for a moment then said, "Batteries dead!" and walked away.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It Was a Santa Kinda Day

Story time, Cookies, Coco and Crafts with Santa.
I am really loving that MJ is getting the whole Christmas thing. We are still working on what it means, but for now I'm okay with that. He is really picking up vibe of the season. At story time the reader asked what time of the year it was and MJ jumped up and yelled, "Christmas, It's Christmas!" He knows who Santa is. He's still a little gun shy about walking up to him and sitting on his lap, but that will change.

So this morning started off with a visit from Santa at our local library. I love the Wee Read Story time at the library. There is always singing, dancing and of course story time. MJ LOVES IT!

                                                       MJ sitting with his bud Cole.
                                                 I don't know why they were pluggin their ears.

I love watching MJ dance. He really gets into it

   This is Jordan, Cole little sis.

This is Molly and her Mama Candice.

MJ waiting patiently for the music to start

After story time in the morning we made our way to have some Cookies and Coco with the Big Guy

MJ wanted to show Santa the stocking he just made.
This Santa was perfect. He know how to make the
kids feel comfortable enough to approach him.
Santa said to MJ, My you have grown so much since last year.
To which MJ replied, I'm a BIG boy!

MJ giving Santa a hug.

 MJ writing his letter to Santa and
 making his stocking.
Of course, his bud Mitchel was there too.
Stinking cutie!

Here they are waiting to show Santa what they just made.


Face painting time.

Showing off their matching Snowmen!

Ya think meeting Santa was the best part? Nope, having cookies? No, Making a craft? Nope, it was.....

Yep, Fairy Wands!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Tree Hunting

Christmas Tree Hunting with the Witters and the Murrays!
Evidently, Lowe's is not where Christmas trees grow.
I have always gone to the nearest tree lot, Lowe's or Walmart for my tree. Since I made Nevada my home I have discovered this magical place called the forest. I did not know of such a place, did you? Apparently what you are supposed to do is take the short trek to the forest and cut your own. This was news to me and for the third year that's exactly what we did.
This time around was a little different. We went on our hunting expedition with the Murrays and the Witters. It was lots of fun having them there and nice to have other men there to help each other with tree carrying duty.

MJ is totally stoked because Dad let him drive the back roads.

Mark choosing out his weapon of choice for the hunt!

There was another difference this year, no snow!

<~~ Last year

This year~~> 

Last year, Mark had to haul the tree
about a mile to the truck. This was
after he carried MJ and the Chain saw

This year the tree was conveniently located next to the road!

And here it is. It's a beauty!
Time to get to work!

This is what was going on while Mark and Randy were hunting trees.
Kristen read a story to the kids. She found the book just laying on the ground.

The Men have returned victorious so time to eat!

And have a little camp fire with our hot dogs!
We didn't have a permit for one either.

Family time and some relaxation.

Well, that was our day in the forest. Big thanks to the Witters and the Murrays for making it so much fun!
p.s. Yes, I was there too. Pictures don't take themselves!