I love sharing recipes, family memories, craft projects and the stories that go along with them. My family is my inspiriation.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Superhero Birthday Party!

Every year I say I'm not gonna go overboard with is birthday party and every year I do!
MJ really really wanted a Superhero Themed Birthday Party and I feel it's my duty to make it for him.
Who am I kidding, I love this crap!! MJ picked his theme last Summer and I have been planning ever since.

I feel it's important to make have something at the entrance. I think it gets the kids excited as they walk up the path to the front door.
Here's the main display.
I really would love to do this for a living. How cool would it be to spend other people's money to throw a party!

MJ posing a little before the festivities start.
The phone booth we made using an appliance box. I bought the cheapest red paint I could find (Walmart). After it's painted and the windows were edged with black tape. The sign was made with letter stickers and rolled paper I found at Michael's
I LOVE this pic. McKenna really showing us her strength. Chicks ROCK!
The weights were made with PVC pipe and styrofoam painted black.

MJ flying around his fair city protecting it from villans.

Superhero buds!

The phone booth was a big hit with the kids. esp. the boys. Caleb spent most of the party in it.

Time to sing Happy Birthday to MJ. Yes, his eyes are red cuz he's been crying.
Seems like he had one melt down after another

I rolled and cut out colored fondant to make the city. I used edible black pen to make the windows.

All the kids decided they wanted to help MJ open gifts. I have free flowing birthdays. I don't have kids sit while MJ opens gifts. I think it's too hard for them and too much work for me. I just let em have at it!
These pics to don't really capture how many people were at the party. There were about 15 kids and 18-20 moms and dads. The dads were in the family watching college football. So of course Mark had to break out the beer. Then the wine came out and finally the liquor
The pics also do not show all the booze we started drinking.

Happy Birthday to my Little Monkey!
And this Ladies and Gentlemen is why I drink:)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Christmas Come and Gone


I love the Christmas Season. I love the smells, food, shopping and my family. So as much as I love it, it reminds me my boy is growing up too fast. I keep thinking, one year closer to him growing up. He will have his own life, family and adult worries. I will be reduced to the occasional visit and Holiday phone calls. That part makes me a little sad. But today is a good day. I have my little family and God is good and so is life.

Our tree
MJ posing with his milk and cookies for Santa

MJ wrote out is Christmas list to Santa and left him a bribe.
This is the first year MJ actually asked for a specific
gift. So we made sure we got em.

MMMM tamales! As the joke goes, we Mexicans are so poor we make tamales on Christmas so we have something to open. Yep, still funny!

Now it's time to get down to business!

Nerf, was on the list

So were the angry bird shirts

Mine Shaft, a must NOT buy. Took all day for Mark to assemble!

Walkie Talkies, on the list too. He still has fun with them

My boys! The reason I live and breathe. I didn't get a picture of
Mark's Christmas gifts from MJ, but he got him a led sled. Mark was stoked!

Family Pic time

MJ did a great job taking our pic

MJ and his pics with Santa!

MeRrY ChRiSTmAs!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Tree Hunting

Seems like every year we do this, we get a little smarter and better at getting the perfect tree for Christmas.
No more walking 2 miles looking for a tree. Now we drive until we find a spot that has enough to choose from. The key is to not wander too far from the truck so you don't have to haul it over a mile holding a chain saw.

MJ being MJ
He is such a ham when I pull out the camera.
Mark testing the chain saw

This was the first one I saw. It was nice, but not our tree

This is more like it and of course it was a lot further from the truck than Mark wanted.

MJ and his Daddy:)

The final inspection to make sure it's the right one.

Me with the chain saw after I cut the sucker down. AS IF!

Tree Hunting takes a lot out of you. It was so nice up in woods, so it makes sense to stay for a bit.

Hot dogs are today's lunch special

MJ's gotta inspect em too.

Waving at passersby

Having a contest on who can take a bigger bite. Mark won of course, but give MJ will be giving him a run for his money in a few years. Yeah, I don't even want to think about what our grocery bill is gonna look like in about 6 years!

The I'm so happy to have a hotdog dance

Loading up for our trip home.

Happy DAY! MJ was so excited to get our tree and said he couldn't wait to get home and put on the ornaments we made.

He slept the whole way home and the remainder of the day.